Monday, October 17, 2011

The impatience

No, not mine. I know that I'm impatient. I don't try to make excuses for it, but I acknowledge that it's a problem.

One that my daughter inherited. For as slow as she moves, the girl has no patience when it comes to something she wants. Like a baby brother or sister. It's become a daily conversation now with her asking if the baby is coming after I'm done with work and how big is the baby and when is the baby coming?  I usually show her with my hands how big the baby has to be before it comes out. Today she came up to me in the kitchen, put one hand on each side of my belly and asked "the baby is this big?" Not quite darlin' dear, some of that (*cough* a lot) is just your mama. I thought that describing when the baby would come by using the seasons would help Heidi to understand it (I tell her the baby is coming after winter when the snow melts and it starts getting warm). Perhaps she understands that winter is just really long around here and that's a long time to wait.

We're all impatient for the next month or so when we should be able to find out if it's "little brother" or "little sister."

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