Thursday, July 28, 2011

4 Weeks!

The best thing about not testing right away (I've been known to test as early as 10 Days Past Ovulation [DPO]) is that you are pretty much already 4 weeks along by the time that second line shows up. Only 36 weeks until I'm holding my new baby, give-or-take.

Symptoms so far are so slight that I'm probably only noticing them because I know I'm pregnant. I'm pregnant!! Anyway, symptoms: slight heartburn from time-to-time, a little more tired than usual, more crabby than usual (can I blame that on the pregnancy? Josh says this is when I start hating him and being mean), more thirsty than usual and I've been chugging water like a fiend, slight headache today (could be caffeine withdrawal), feeling a little more winded when exercising, and a little bloat I think.

I didn't do anything else pregnancy related today other than pee on a second stick (a little darker, yay!), text my mom to get together for lunch tomorrow to share the news, and text my friend that I need my Your Pregnancy Week By Week book back. I'm trying to eat healthy, which so far has been fairly easy since no nausea is present yet (knock-on-wood) and with all the water drinking helps too.

Still so excited and still so scared. Planning to call the doctor tomorrow to set up my first appointment. Just can't wait to see that little heart beating so I can shout it from the rooftops!

Still thinking of a name for in-utero baby too, I tend to refer to him/her as "Baby Love" so that may just end up sticking. Josh calls it "Baby Thumper" but that's Heidi's name to me :)

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