We found out the sex with Heidi Jean (paid $100 extra to find out since she refused to show the goods [or lack thereof] at the medically necessary ultrasound). We are finding out in less than two days with baby Noodle (providing he/she continues the trend of being more cooperative than big sister).
Some people say that finding out the sex takes away the "surprise." Takes away your reason for working so hard during labor. Etc. I just kind of don't get it. The sex of my baby is such a small part of who he or she is and will be. I knew that Heidi was a girl and I loved being able to call her "she" and order name letters for her and calling her by her name and knowing before she was born that she was my little Heidi girl. But I didn't know that she would be born with a head of dark hair. I didn't know what her cry would sound like, how she would sleep, what color her eyes would be, how long her fingers and toes would be. There were still so many surprises. Never once during labor did I think "eh, I already know she's a girl, no rush." I was still dying to see my baby and meet her and hold her in my arms and kiss her and see what a little mixture of Josh and I would be. Not to mention that getting the baby out is the only way to make the pain lessen, so that's kind of a big incentive.
Also, I don't like gender neutral baby clothes. At all.
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