Saturday, February 25, 2012

There is a fine line

Between feeling lovely little baby flutters and kicks. And feeling like a living punching bag.

I am desperately hoping that Forrest's activity level in the womb is not an indicator of what his activity level will be like outside of the womb. Or I may never sleep again.

Friday, February 10, 2012

At 32 weeks...

I have reached the point in my pregnancy where I have to yell for help if I sit down on the floor because I can't figure out how to get up.

I have reached the point where I'm straining to reach my feet to put socks on (and so thankful for slip-on shoes).

I have reached the point where when I drop something on the floor I think "hmm...maybe someone else will pick it up later."

I have reached the point where even with conscious effort, I can't eliminate all of the waddle.

I have reached the point where "rolling" becomes a legitimate method of mobility/getting up/switching positions.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012


So, I failed my 1-hour glucose test. Then I went and failed the 3-hour glucose test.

I'm not gonna lie. I had about a week of devastation (possibly an over-reaction on my part). I had no idea what I could eat, so I tried to cut out all carbs, which left me starving, which made me even more depressed. I pictured lots of worse-case scenarios--Forrest being a 10 lb baby, which led to a c-section, then having problems after he was here and me having problems--it just went on-and-on.

Luckily, yesterday I met with the diabetes educator who reassured me that I can actually eat carbs (and should) and I swear, just getting some more "sugar" in my system has made the craziness go away (and seem very crazy in hindsight). I'm still off the big stuff--the Mountain Dew, the ice cream, most desserts. But I don't feel like I'm going to die of deprivation anymore. So that's good.

And so far, after 1.5 days of testing, my blood sugars have all been just fine. Fluke or no fluke. I guess in the end at least I'm eating better, which is good news for both Forrest and myself.

And I get another ultrasound, and that's never bad ;)

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Love is hard

I am madly in love with my son.

I cannot wait to meet him and hold him and hear what he sounds like.

But it's so hard loving someone else this much.

It's so hard to try to do everything you can for this little person.

And feel like it just won't be enough.

It's so hard to have to worry about all of the "what ifs."

To be terrified that something is going to go wrong.

I know I need to just have faith and do my best and pray that it'll all work out the way it's supposed to.

But I just can't. Not until he's here. And safe.

Parenting is the hardest and most amazing thing ever. From the very first minute.